Spice Rack – Sculptural Elements

Spice Rack – Sculptural Elements Constructed Environment in 20x20x20 inch cube 2021 Terra Cotta, Polymer Clay, Synthetic rocks, Plastic chilies, Wood

Spice Rack – Sculptural Elements

Spice Rack – Sculptural Elements Constructed Environment in 20x20x20 inch cube 2021 Fabric, Plastic Pigs, Ornamental Jewelry, Silkscreen Printed Wallpaper

Spice Rack

Spice Rack 6 Cubic structures measuring 20x20x20 each. 2021 6 Cubic structures measuring 20x20x20 each. An exploration into Femme- domestication in urban and rural Indian landscapes. Inspired by Ismat Chughtai’s The Housewife.